You will find the new option in Docs mobile from the Format button, under the Paragraph tab. Here, you will see the “Add page break before” option alongside a bunch of others. When turned on, this feature will help you keep a consistent format throughout a document. You will be able to always start paragraph styles, such as titles, subtitles, or headings on a new page. Additionally, with this update, Docs will also retain the formatting of other documents that have a page break applied to paragraphs. So you will be able to import or export documents without losing the formatting, saving you from a lot of pain. This will work with Microsoft Word and other third-party documents.
Google adds another nifty feature to Docs
Google regularly updates Docs and other Workspace tools to add new features and make other improvements. The company’s word processor last year received automated citations, a universal @ insertion menu that lets you quickly link files, meetings, people, tables, and more to a document, a shortcut to insert an em dash, AI-powered smart replies, the ability to block unwanted comments, and a much-needed improvement to the Tables management system. This “Add page break before” option also arrived on Docs last year. But it was initially limited to the web version. Now, it is coming to the mobile apps as well, making formatting on the small screen more effortless. Google has already started rolling out this feature to users on both Rapid and Scheduled release domains. It should be visible on the Android mobile app within this week. Users with an iPhone may need to wait for up to 15 days to access the new feature. There’s no admin control for the new “Add page break before” option on Docs mobile. Also, it is enabled by default and is available to everyone, i.e all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers. So if you regularly use Google Docs on your Android smartphone, you might want to take advantage of it. You can click the button below to update or download the latest version of the app from the Google Play Store. DOWNLOAD GOOGLE DOCS