While it’s still unclear what might happen to Twitter under Musk’s ownership, he does believe he can help make Twitter grow and become more profitable. The Tesla and SpaceX founder and entrepreneur is also a big Twitter user, and has voiced a lot of concerns that users have been complaining about for years. Like the existence of an Edit button, and the spam bots. In fact, Musk has said that if his offer goes through, they will “defeat the spam bots, or die trying”. Which is music to our ears.

Why did Musk want to buy Twitter?

Musk believes that Twitter needs to be taken private to grow and become a genuine platform for free speech. Free speech has been Musk’s number one reason for attempting to purchase the platform. It’s pretty clear that Twitter has tried to silence conservatives, whether on purpose or not. It has also banned the former President from using the service, and locked out some other conservatives from time to time for posting lies (aka misinformation). Musk has identified himself as a half Democrat, and half Republican. But it’s not entirely clear whether he supports Trump or not, who may be looking to run in 2024. Many are worried that after Musk officially owns Twitter, he could allow former President Trump back on the platform. Twitter banned him from the platform after the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol. As well as almost every other platform out there, including Facebook and YouTube.