Spotify acquired podcasting services Podsights and Chartable

Spotify has been working overtime to make its service a top spot for people to make and consumer podcasts. It brought a lot of talent and a lot of controversy. It’s been dealing with the drama with the Joe Rogan podcast lately which has been making the headlines. This hasn’t stopped the company from further expanding its podcasting infrastructure and buying more companies. Spotify just announced that it acquired Podsights and Chartable to help users manage their podcasts and ads. Recently, the company introduced Call-to-Action cards where people could customize their advertisements. Now, Spotify owns a service called Podsights. This will help users keep better track of how their ads are doing on the platform. It’s an insights service that gives people more accurate numbers. According to Spotify, the company offered a survey and found that measurement and attribution are the two areas that need the most attention. So, people should soon be able to see Podsights giving them better insights.

Next, we have Chartable

Chartable is similar to Podsights in that it’s also an insights service. Not too long ago, Spotify acquired the Megaphone platform to offer better tools for people to podcast. In Spotify’s post, it said that Chartable will build upon Megaphone’s technology. It’s a suite of tools that provide analytics on their podcasts. This service gives people in-depth numbers and figures to let them know which areas they’re doing poorly in and which ones they’re doing well in. It’s a pretty popular service, and it also serves analytics for Apple podcasts.

Spotify has been doing a lot for podcasts

Ever since Spotify announced that it was going to be focusing on podcasts, it was not kidding. We saw the company acquire companies like Megaphone, develop podcasting studios, and implement new tools for creators. Now that the company acquired Podsights and Chartable, we know that it’s still putting efforts into this venture. Other companies have been putting a focus on podcasting like Facebook and YouTube, but we haven’t seen as big of a push from them as Spotify. Consequently, Spotify has become a go-to place to listen to and launch podcasts.