Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, etc, you’re constantly scrolling a curated feed of posts from other users, company posts, and ads. How those posts are presented can sometimes have an effect on how you enjoy the platform. You can either see posts as they arrive or you could see the most popular posts on the platform. It all depends on what you prefer to see.

Twitter will make it easier to twitch between the two timelines

Twitter is testing a new feature to make switching between the two timelines a bit easier. Right now, you can toggle between the chronological timeline and the algorithmic timeline by tapping the sparkle button on the top of the feed. The Chronological (Twitter calls it Latest)feed will show you posts in the order that they’re posted. The algorithmic feed (Twitter calls it Home) will show you the most popular posts. Now, the company is working on a switcher so that you can switch between the timelines. What makes this better is the fact that it shows you which feed you’re switching to. When you tap the sparkle button, two tabs will slide into view. The two tabs will be called Home and Latest.

This is a small change, but it’s useful

It might not seem like much of a change in the grand scheme of things, but it could actually be useful. Some people really pay attention to the kind of feed they use. Some people prefer to see their feed in chronological order, and some people prefer to see the most popular posts. Having the tabs makes it a little easier to know what feed you’re using. It’s better to tap on the exact feed you want. IF you want to use this feature, you might have to wait. It’s only on iOS for the moment.